The World Changers

Hi.  My name is Candice.  I want to change the world. ☺

Who am I?  I am the lady that fixes the boo-boos, doles out snacks, keeps the house - and all of the people in it - running smoothly, and wants to try to save the world in between diaper changes and cooking dinner.  I have a husband, four precious children, a dog, three cats, and some of the greatest friends a girl could ask for.  :)

So what about this crazy site, you ask?  Well, basically I just want to do good things.  Oh, and I want you to help!  I want us to do great, big, world-changing things - and great, little, world-changing things!  I started this website so that in some small way I could contribute to the good work of helping my fellow man and hopefully bring some of my friends - and you and your friends - along for the ride!  Sounds like fun, right?  It will be.  I promise!

I'm going to have to update this page later, because I have so much more to say, very many ideas to share, and lots of good news to report!  I'm out of here for now, though.  See that picture below?  Those itty-bitty things are quite a lot of work!  (No, not the bears - the babies, silly!)  I have to go change a diaper... or decide who gets the last yogurt...  or make someone's hair do that cute little flippy thing it does when you get the pigtails just right.

Peace out, fellow world changers. 

P.S.  If you have some ideas on how we can work together to change the world, or you'd like to share what you've done in your little corner of the world, let me know!   :)